Animated Director (Korea)
Skullprince : CEO & Director
Representative work
2003 Siggraph"The Boxer"(Director)
2003 Anima Mundi"Worm"(Director)
2017 Skullprince Miro 1 : magic hat(Author)
2017 Skullprince Miro 2 : Unfinished Adventure(Author)
2015 Korea-The 1st Game Idea Contest-President Awards of the Korea Game Association
2007 Winner of the Korea-2007 Incheon Digital Contents Awards
2004 France-2004 Annecy Festival International du film d’animation
2004 Korea-Dong A, LG International Festiva-Special Jury Prize
2003 Korea-The 7st Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival
2003 Brazil-Anima Mundi-All Audience Awards"Worm"
2003 U.S.ASan Diego-Siggraph-Electronic Theater-"The Boxer" - the first thing in Korea
2003 Italy-Cartoons On The Bay: Nominate. "Worm" - the first thing in Korea
2003 Italy-Cartoons On The Bay: Special Jury Award. "The Boxer" - the first thing in Korea - Asia's alone
1999 Korea-The 1st Korea International Character Festival
1997 Korea-The 3st Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival
Animated Director (Korea)
Skullprince : CEO & Director
Representative work
2003 Siggraph"The Boxer"(Director)
2003 Anima Mundi"Worm"(Director)
2017 Skullprince Miro 1 : magic hat(Author)
2017 Skullprince Miro 2 : Unfinished Adventure(Author)
2015 Korea-The 1st Game Idea Contest-President Awards of the Korea Game Association
2007 Winner of the Korea-2007 Incheon Digital Contents Awards
2004 France-2004 Annecy Festival International du film d’animation
2004 Korea-Dong A, LG International Festiva-Special Jury Prize
2003 Korea-The 7st Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival
2003 Brazil-Anima Mundi-All Audience Awards"Worm"
2003 U.S.ASan Diego-Siggraph-Electronic Theater-"The Boxer" - the first thing in Korea
2003 Italy-Cartoons On The Bay: Nominate. "Worm" - the first thing in Korea
2003 Italy-Cartoons On The Bay: Special Jury Award. "The Boxer" - the first thing in Korea - Asia's alone
1999 Korea-The 1st Korea International Character Festival
1997 Korea-The 3st Seoul International Cartoon and Animation Festival
R1111 11F, Guohua Investment Building, No.3 DongzhimenEast Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing 100007, China 北京市东城区东直门南大街3号国华投资大厦11层1111室 ⓒ TTF ENTERTAINMENT. All Rights Reserved. |